Connecting to Keysight E4408B ESA-L by Agilent in Python
Instrument Card
E4408B ESA-L Basic Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz
Device Specification: here
Manufacturer card: AGILENT
Keysight Technologies, or Keysight, is an American company that manufactures electronics test and measurement equipment and software
- Headquarters: USA
- Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 5420
- Vendor Website: here
Connect to the Keysight E4408B ESA-L in Python
Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.
from pymeasure.adapters import VISAAdapterfrom pymeasure.instruments import AgilentE4408B
# Create a VISA adapter for the instrumentadapter = VISAAdapter("TCPIP::")
# Connect to the instrumentinstrument = AgilentE4408B(adapter)
# Set the start and stop frequenciesinstrument.start_frequency = 1e9 # 1 GHzinstrument.stop_frequency = 2e9 # 2 GHz
# Set the number of frequency pointsinstrument.frequency_points = 1001
# Set the frequency stepinstrument.frequency_step = 1e6 # 1 MHz
# Set the center frequencyinstrument.center_frequency = 1.5e9 # 1.5 GHz
# Set the sweep timeinstrument.sweep_time = 0.1 # 100 ms
# Get the frequenciesfrequencies = instrument.frequencies
# Get the trace data for trace 1trace_data = instrument.trace(1)
# Get the trace data as a pandas DataFrame for trace 1trace_df = instrument.trace_df(1)
This script connects to a Keysight E4408B ESA-L Spectrum Analyzer using a VISA adapter. It sets the start and stop frequencies, number of frequency points, frequency step, center frequency, and sweep time. It then retrieves the frequencies, trace data for trace 1, and trace data as a pandas DataFrame for trace 1.